Erika had her last day of work Friday, and we are hoping that the release of work-related stress will help move things along a little quicker. If this doesn't work, I'm afraid Erika might resort to drastic measures - has anyone ever induced labor by chugging a bottle of Castor oil? If that won't work, the other end result can't be good!?!?
Erika and I almost have a baby nursery put together; still needs a bit of work (especially since we cannot paint the walls), but I am liking the outcome. As you can see we decided on a baseball/Seattle Mariners theme, at least as much stuff as we could muster up. We found a few little Mariners hats, baseballs, and some friends gave us a cool blanket and some memorabilia (all about the Ichiro bobblehead). If I ever can find a few good posters, those will go up on the walls to drown out the dull whiteness in there. Some pics for anyone who cares (mom, that's you):
Love the room it looks great!!
Ahhh your baby's crib got attacked by a giant baseball! LOL No seriously your nursury looks sooooo good! I love the navy/blue and white everywhere with the splashes of red. You will be spending a lot of time in there, so it is great that you've made it so cute and comfy. I'm envious of your glider.
Can't wait to see a blog with baby pics!!! (as I'm sure you can't wait either).
By the way erika thank you for the VS lotions!! Oh my gosh I have to say those are the best smelling lotions from VS I have smelled yet. Those are a new scent? Good job on picking that one. I'll be using those daily thank you.
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