Friday, July 16, 2010

So what's the BIG DEAL????

Here we are 10 months later after we bought our home and many of you know already and those who don't, we are anouncing that we are pregnant and have been for the last 5 months. Which really means that we are anouncing what kind of pregnancy... (drum roll)

We are having...


BABY!!!!! Yeah!!!

I know last time many of you heard we were having a dragon, however that was only because of our infertility treatments. And luckily it turned out that we actually had a healthy baby, with little reminance of a tail.

This time, because everything happened naturally and as a surprise, we know it is a baby. (I hope...)

So that is our big announcement... I hope you are happy and excited for us. Thank you for all of your support over the years and that is all for now.

WHAT!!! Were you expecting something more?

Did I forget to mention that it's a...

If you can't read the ultrasound,

it says "BABY BOY"!!!